Security at Respondent

Respondent is committed to protecting product users and all other relevant parties from security threats. We are guided by the company’s core values, our code of conduct, business ethics, security standards and all relevant legal or contractual standards.

Thousands of companies trust Respondent for their research recruitment needs

Security underpins everything we do

SOC 2 Certified

Respondent is SOC 2 Type II compliant via an external independent auditor. SOC 2 is an industry-leading standard that ensures service providers securely manage data to protect the interests and privacy of all parties. If you wish to learn more or view a copy of our most recent attestation, please email

GDPR and CCPA Compliant

Privacy is of paramount importance to us and we have robust processes to ensure that personal information entrusted to us by participants and researchers is not shared without consent. We are compliant with Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and California’s CCPA regulations.

Access Control and Single Sign On (SSO)

Researcher accounts on Respondent can be associated with organizations and teams to provide flexible and managed access to recruitment projects. In addition, Respondent allows for different access levels to facilitate administrative or billing functions for stakeholders. We support account access through single sign-on SAML, for enhanced security.

Document Signing and NDA Facilitation

Respondent helps researchers automate requests for signing non-disclosure agreements or other documents prior to sharing potentially sensitive intellectual property with participants. This saves time in research operations and helps ensure that appropriate security practices are adhered to.

Data collection and Deletion Practices

Researcher and respondent data is the most important thing we handle. Our company, products, the tools and vendors we use are structured in a optimal fashion to treat this data with best in class security, and to minimize the risk of unauthorized access. Our detailed information security and privacy program features a comprehensive suite of policies, guidelines and processes for identifying and mitigating risks to our data and systems.

Account Deactivation Requests

At Respondent, we believe that control should always be in your hands. That's why we've made it simple to deactivate your account. You may also request deletion of your account and all associated data by contacting us.

Security FAQ

Is Respondent audited and certified for data security?
As a researcher, how do I know that my company's intellectual property and research data is secure on Respondent?
As a participant, what does Respondent do to protect my personally identifiable information?
How do I obtain more details about Respondent's security and privacy practices?
Is Respondent compliant with GDPR and CCPA?
More questions? Contact us

Find Your Participants on Respondent

  • Your research data is secure with Respondent

  • Get NDAs signed before conducting research

  • Recruit for any research method on any tool