Recruit User Interview Participants

Find verified, articulate participants for your in-depth user interviews in a matter of minutes. Filter by country, job titles, skills, income and more to find exactly who you need.

fast participant recruitment for qualitative research interviews
Speed up Recruiting for Interviews

Get your first high-quality participant match within 30 minutes of posting your project on Respondent. You can screen, invite, schedule and pay participants from within your Respondent account and optimize workflows by automating processes using our powerful integrations with other research tools.

Verified Participants for Qualitative Studies

Recruiting niche audiences for qualitative research is easy with Respondent. Our panel of 3M+ enables you to choose from B2B or B2C audiences, filter by job titles, skills, location and more and find high-quality verified participants that fit your needs. In addition, we offer an incentive calculator, guidance on project titles and targeting, as well as assistance to help fill your project with our Referral and Boost initiatives to recruit participants beyond our panel.

Low-cost Recruiting for Interviews

Our flexible pricing plans enable flat-fee recruiting that scales with your research needs. Respondent is simply the most cost-effective solution to recruit participants for user research interviews. Simply select a plan, launch your project and we'll take care of recruiting!

> 95%

Scheduled interview participants show up

30 Mins.

Median time to first matched participant

4.89 / 5

Average participant rating (rated by researchers)

recruit qualitative interview participants

Recruit User Interview Participants, Fast

Get verified participants for one-on-one interviews - fast, easy and cost-effective.